Group training

One way to learn a language is to join a group course with a focus that best suits your level and needs. If you can't find a course here that suits your needs, let us know!

Conversation Course for HR Managers

Oskus mõista ja suhelda tööalases inglise keeles avab uusi rohkelt uksi uutele võimalustele nii rahvusvaheliseks koostööks kui õppimiseks piiriülestest praktikatest

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How we deliver results

Our goal is to bring language training into the 21st century.

We combine the latest digital solutions and technologies with online and on-site teaching, using modern learning materials. Our instructors are not just teachers, but partners and supporters, empowering participants to build their confidence and sharpen their communication skills.

We manage the training process from start to finish – assessing participants’ language levels, forming optimal groups, creating content, and measuring outcomes.

To achieve fast and tangible results, we suggest two sessions weekly over a minimum of 15 weeks. Each session is 2 academic hours (90 minutes total). But we’re all about flexibility – so if you have different ideas, we’re open to them! Upon completion, participants will be awarded a certificate, available in both digital and print formats.

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